It’s official: Microsoft Teams will be the academic “vaccine” against the Coronavirus. Here, a guide to break the ice with telematics teaching!
But first: how to obtain Microsoft Office365
Indeed, the first step is getting Office suite. Office365 is the Microsoft application that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, One Note, Outlook and Teams. It’s available for students free of charge.

First of all, you have to activate the institutional email address in order to obtain the entire suite, both for online and offline use (via download). You can follow this guide to achieve this.
After activating the email, you must go to the Office365 login page and log in with the newly generated credentials.

Once logged in, the page will ask you to configure your account.
At the end of the wizard, you can use all the programs of the online package or download them by clicking on the top right.
If you have any problems with “”, you can try with “”. Use “” in the event that you’re enrolled in a master degree.
Type to “” just in case you have further issues.
Nuggets of Microsoft Teams
Once Office365 is installed, there will be Microsoft Teams among the various apps: just open it, then you can use your login credentials to access.

After logging in, a screen will appear with the various teams to be part of. As the image shows, you already have a series of teams you can join by logging in through your institutional email (but, we suggest you to wait your professors’ instructions).

By checking this guide, you can learn about the specific way to join groups of the individual courses and the organization of the lessons.
If you have any questions or doubts, do not hesitate to write us on our Facebook page!