The elections of the new representatives for the Central University Bodies are upon us: let’s know our candidate Ludovica Barrilli and her ideas!
Ludovica Barrilli
Ludovica Barrilli is a student of the master’s degree course in Archeology. In addition to holding the role of vice-president of UnInFormazione, she is a representative within the Joint Commission belonging to the SPFS Department of the Macroarea of Letters and Philosophy since 2020. For the same Department, moreover, she has been a student representative since 2018.
Some facts about the Academic Senate
The Academic Senate issues guidelines to be followed in terms of general policies, teaching and scientific research, as well as coordinating peripheral structures. It has its own “legislative” function: for example, it is responsible for approving the General Regulations of the University and those concerning secondary bodies (Faculties, Departments, etc.). It consists of twenty-five members, including four student representatives.
The Academic Senate, for aspects relating to teachers, divides teaching places among the Departments, establishing the criteria for assigning financial resources for teaching, research and University services.
In terms of decisions relating to the life of students, it is always the SA that decides the “Charter of the rights of female students and students” of Tor Vergata, together with the issue of directives concerning the right to study and the services offered to the students themselves.
Having representatives in the Senate means:
– Protect students’ rights more easily;
– To be able to present initiatives necessary for the overall improvement of university life;
– Have the opportunity to constantly communicate the most important news about internal events.
Why are we running?
With the aim of giving even more value to teaching and research, we believe that building an integrated community is the starting point for fostering cooperation and development of the same.
For UnInformazione it is essential to guarantee:
– The right to face-to-face teaching;
– The right to access clear and truthful information;
– The interaction between the different Faculties: we believe that a firm connection between the Macro-areas can be a first step aimed at encouraging greater interdisciplinarity, increasing the opportunities for meeting between them. We need more opportunities for discussion to socialize and integrate;
– The increase in competitiveness on the labor market and dialogue with international realities, urging the expansion of the training offer, the activation of new degree courses in English and the implementation of the services provided by the CLA. We want students, international and non-international, to be granted a full and satisfying path, able to offer equal opportunities for growth;
– The development of knowledge and practical competence: we need internships, traineeships and workshops (the latter, equipped with state-of-the-art equipment), as well as a strengthening of the tutoring service (already active in the various Faculties);
– The rights of researchers and doctoral students, ensuring welfare measures, means and structures to facilitate the exercise of their functions, from laboratories to classrooms. In this regard, we want to enhance the figure of the doctoral representative, who is wrongly little considered.
– The opportunity for personal and professional maturation through experiences such as the “internal Erasmus” (to be added to the “canonical” one), allowing the development of part of the study path in other Italian universities of excellence, as well as at abroad. In addition, we wish to encourage the push of our University towards the integration of the “Turing Scheme”, a British project structured following Brexit in order to allow study stays in Great Britain;
The student’s “academic” life must be able to reflect and reflect the evolution of society and we believe it can change with it, starting with an improvement in the programming / educational inclusion of activities.
The current ups and downs have highlighted more than ever the importance of respecting the needs in terms of the right to education. A small / first step of the outgoing Senate was to suspend the practice of the jump of appeal: our commitment will be to extend it to the next few years, welcoming the students’ problems and the motivations of the teachers.
We are well aware that the pandemic situation will still affect our lives, and psychologically and physically, we finally support a safe return to the University, stimulating greater psychological support through a dedicated desk and cultural initiatives that can help the individual student in difficulty.